Elementary Level Grade II
Curriculum Overview
Please note that all admissions are subject to assessment.
A Course for Building up vocabulary, native linguistic terms, grammatical rules and math solving skills compounded with Islamic Stories and related activities.
Macmillan English Language Book – 2 |
Story of Muhammad ﷺ in Makkah 1 |
Story of Muhammad ﷺ in Makkah 1 |
Vocabulary extension |
Grammatical Adeptness |
Punctuation (capital letter, full stop, question mark, comma) |
Parts of Speech ( Article, Noun and its kinds, Pronoun (subjective, objective, possessive), Adjective, Verb, Preposition) |
Pluralising noun (s/es) |
Contraction |
Present Simple |
Parts of Speech (Noun, Pronoun, Adjective, Verb, Adverb, Preposition) |
Past Simple |
Listening and Speaking Activities |
Reading Comprehension |
Descriptive Writing |
MY PALS ARE HERE! Science Textbook and Activity Book 2A |
Functions and characteristics of different parts of Human Body |
Habitats and characteristics of different animals |
Habitats and characteristics of different plants |
Importance and uses of air |
Classification of rocks |
States of water |
Importance of soil |
Features of Sunrise and Sunset |
Four seasons and their effects |
Asan Darsi Silsila1 & 2 |
ذخیرہ الفاظ ہفتے کے نام سال کے مہینوں کے نام ہفتے کے دنوں کے نام اسلامی مہینوں کے نام پھلوں اور سبزیوں کے نام ایک جیسی آواز والے آواز(ہم آواز الفاظ) |
تخلیقی لکھائی مضمون نویسی |
قواعد: اسم ضمیر فعل مذکرمؤنث ، واحد جمع ، الفاظ ضد ہے اور ہیں کا استعمال |
بلند خوانی |
تفہیم |
العربیۃ للناشئین (حصہ اول) |
المقصف المعمل معسكر الكشافة رحلۃ الی السوق في المكتبة اسره عبدالعزیز ھشام یذھب الی السوق المسجد حوار السكن الملعب والمطعم أين أحمد |
Primary mathematics Stage 2 Textbook and Workbook (1 to 4) |
Placing Value to 9999 (O-T-H-TH) |
Read and write in numerals and word form. |
Add two & three numbers. (With & without carrying) |
Word problems involving addition. (With & without carrying) |
Subtract two & three numbers. (With & without borrowing) |
Word problems involving Subtraction.(With & without borrowing) |
Estimate Sums |
Multiplication 2 and 3 digit by single digit (Times table 2 to 9) |
Multiply by using basic properties (Commutative, associative & distributive). |
Multiplication real life problems. |
Two or three digit multiply by 10. |
Divide 1,2 and 3 digit by 1 digit.(Times table 2 to 9) |
Division real life problems. |
Multiplication |
Fractions. (Wholes, Halves and Quarter) |
Fractions. Describe parts of a whole up to tenth.(Like two tenth 2/10) |
By 2 to 5 |
Symmetry (2 D Shapes) |
Volume |
Solid Shapes names ( 3D-SHAPES). |
Islamic Studies
Islamiyat for Grade 2 by Neelma Kanwal |
Essential Duas in the life of a Muslim Book – 1 |
40 Ahadith for Kids Book – 1 |
Kalma Tamjeed, Kalma Tawheed |
Surah Al-Fatihah, Surah Al-Asr |
Supplications in Daily life |
Ahadith for Tarbiyah |
The Almighty Allah |
Our Religion Islam |
Prayer (Salah) |
The Angels |
Respect for Parents |
Relationship with Brothers and Sisters |
Speaking the Truth |
Good manners at Mealtimes |
The Holy Quran |
Complete Amma Parah |