Elementary Level Grade I

Curriculum Overview

Please note that all admissions are subject to assessment.

A Course for Building up vocabulary, native linguistic terms, grammatical rules and math solving skills compounded with Islamic Stories and related activities.
Making Friends
Always tell the truth
Be peaceful
Be cheerful
Macmillan  English Language Book – 1
Phonological awareness
phonics and spelling
Vocabulary extension
Grammatical Awareness
Uses of is, am, are
Use of has got/have got
Pluralizing noun
Parts of Speech ( Article, Noun and its kinds, Pronoun, Adjective,
Verb, Preposition)
Sentence construction (imperative, statement and question)
Punctuation (capital letter, full stop, question mark)
Listening and Speaking Activities
Reading Comprehension
Creative Writing
Urdu (Optional)
Asan Darsi Silsila1
حروف تہجی
 آدھی اشکال ، بھاری الفاظ
  حروف علت(ا-و-ی-ے-ھ)،  مخلوط آواز والے  حروف کے ساتھ ا۔و۔ی۔ے کے   مرکبات
  تین اور چار حرفی مرکبات
حروف  جوڑئیے
الفظ توڑیئے
یہ اور وہ کا استعمال
اسم، اسم ضمیر
آسان تفہیم
Half Amma Parah
Primary mathematics Stage 1  Workbook (1 to 4)
Placing Value to 999 (O-T-H)
Introduction of Addition
Count on to add
Add one digit numbers
Add one digit numbers by two digit numbers.(Without carrying)
Add two and three digit numbers. (Without carrying)
Word problems involving addition
Estimate Sums
Introduction of Subtraction
Count back by tens
Subtraction one digit numbers.

Subtract one digit numbers by two digit numbers.

(Without borrowing)

Subtraction two and three digit numbers.

(Without borrowing)

Word Problems involving subtraction.
Introduction of Multiplication

Single digit multiplication.

(Involving Times table 2 to 5)

Introduction of division
Divide One digit number by one digit. (Involving Times table 2 to 5)
Sharing and grouping with remainders
Equal sharing word problems.

1/2 m, 1/4 m – introducing to

centimeter – measuring in centimeter

Introduction of fractions.(Wholes, Halves & Quarter)
Area Measurement

1/2 m, 1/4 m – introducing to

centimeter – measuring in centimeter

Shapes Names (2D Shapes)
Introduction to minute
Telling the time to five minute intervals
Grams and kilograms
Islamic Studies
Islamiyat for Grade 1 by Neelma Kanwal
Essential Duas in the life of a Muslim Book – 1
40 Ahadith for Kids Book – 1

Kalma-e-Tayyab, Kalma-e-Shahadah, Kalma Tamjid,

Iman-e-Mujmal, Iman-e-Mufassal

Adhan, Takbeer, Thanaa, Tasbee in ruku,

Tasmee, Tasbeeh in Sajdah

Surah Al-Ikhlas, Surah Al-Kausar
Supplications in Daily life
Ahadith for Tarbiyah
The Almighty Allah
Our Religion Islam
Salam (The Islamic Greeting)
Divine Books